Attachment ''


File Name                                            Modified              Size
absoluteattributevalues.dita                   2012-06-08 10:41:00          575
accesstype.dita                                2012-06-08 10:41:00          366
acquisitionlist.dita                           2012-06-08 10:41:00          559
admin.dita                                     2012-06-08 10:41:02          321
basesegment.dita                               2012-06-08 10:41:06          524
basesetupwizard.dita                           2012-06-08 10:41:06          874
batch.dita                                     2012-06-08 10:41:06          565
behaviortrend.dita                             2012-06-08 10:41:06          744
ca_acro.dita                                   2012-06-08 10:41:08          232
campaigncollection.dita                        2012-06-08 10:41:08          625
cascademessage.dita                            2012-06-08 10:41:08          336
channel.dita                                   2012-06-08 10:41:08          385
concept.dtd                                    2012-06-08 10:41:00       130046
dat_acro.dita                                  2012-06-08 10:41:20          235
databasetier.dita                              2012-06-08 10:41:20          444
datadefinitionlanguageddl.dita                 2012-06-08 10:41:20          309
datasource.dita                                2012-06-08 10:41:20          418
glossary.dtd                                   2012-06-08 10:41:00       132741
glossary_stub_trm.dita                         2012-06-08 10:41:00          211
map.dtd                                        2012-06-08 10:41:00        82135
test-IETOOLS-86-glossary_short.ditamap         2012-07-24 16:14:28         2083

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  • [get | view] (2012-07-25 00:00:16, 41.5 KB) [[attachment:IETOOLS-86-short-preferred-wwhoutput.png]]
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  • [get | view] (2012-07-24 23:59:40, 199.8 KB) [[attachment:ietools-86-short-pdf.png]]
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