// Copyright (c) 2004-2004 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // function WWHAPI_Object(ParamHelpURL, ParamTargetWindow) { // Location of the WebWorks Help system to be launched. // Location should be an absolute URL. // this.mAPIURL = ParamHelpURL + '/wwhelp/wwhimpl/api.htm'; this.mWindow = null; this.mTargetWindow = ParamTargetWindow; this.fLaunchHelp = WWHAPI_LaunchHelp; this.fCloseHelp = WWHAPI_CloseHelp; this.fDisplayHelp = WWHAPI_DisplayHelp; this.fDisplayHelpWithNavigation = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithNavigation; this.fDisplayHelpWithContents = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithContents; this.fDisplayHelpWithIndex = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithIndex; this.fDisplayHelpWithSearch = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithSearch; this.fDisplayHelpWithFavorites = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithFavorites; this.fDisplayHelpNavigation = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpNavigation; this.fDisplayHelpContents = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpContents; this.fDisplayHelpIndex = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpIndex; this.fDisplayHelpSearch = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpSearch; this.fDisplayHelpFavorites = WWHAPI_DisplayHelpFavorites; } function WWHAPI_LaunchHelp(bParamSingle, ParamContext, ParamTopic, ParamTab) { var VarParameters; var VarURL; var VarIndex; var VarMaxIndex; // Define parameters // VarParameters = new Array(); if (bParamSingle) { VarParameters[VarParameters.length] = "single=true"; } if (ParamContext != null) { VarParameters[VarParameters.length] = "context=" + ParamContext; } if (ParamTopic != null) { VarParameters[VarParameters.length] = "topic=" + ParamTopic; } if (ParamTab) { VarParameters[VarParameters.length] = "tab=" + ParamTab; } // Create URL // VarURL = this.mAPIURL; for (VarIndex = 0, VarMaxIndex = VarParameters.length ; VarIndex < VarMaxIndex ; VarIndex++) { if (VarIndex == 0) { VarURL += "?" + VarParameters[VarIndex]; } else { VarURL += "&" + VarParameters[VarIndex]; } } // Check to see if the window exists. If it does, make the native call directly. // Otherwise, initialize the help system at the topic using URL params. // if ((this.mWindow != null) && (typeof(this.mWindow) != "undefined") && ( ! this.mWindow.closed) && (this.mWindow.WWHHelp != null) && (typeof(this.mWindow.WWHHelp) != "undefined")) { this.mWindow.focus(); this.mWindow.WWHHelp.fSetContextDocument(VarURL); } else { // Use target window // if ((typeof(this.mTargetWindow) != "undefined") && (this.mTargetWindow != null)) { this.mWindow = window.open(VarURL, this.mTargetWindow); } else { this.mWindow = window.open(VarURL); } // Ensure window is brought to the foreground // this.mWindow.focus(); } } function WWHAPI_CloseHelp() { if ((this.mWindow != null) && (typeof(this.mWindow) != "undefined") && ( ! this.mWindow.closed) && (this.mWindow.WWHHelp != null) && (typeof(this.mWindow.WWHHelp) != "undefined")) { this.mWindow.close(); } } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelp(ParamContext, ParamTopic) { this.fLaunchHelp(true, ParamContext, ParamTopic, null); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithNavigation(ParamContext, ParamTopic) { this.fLaunchHelp(false, ParamContext, ParamTopic, null); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithContents(ParamContext, ParamTopic) { this.fLaunchHelp(false, ParamContext, ParamTopic, "contents"); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithIndex(ParamContext, ParamTopic) { this.fLaunchHelp(false, ParamContext, ParamTopic, "index"); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithSearch(ParamContext, ParamTopic) { this.fLaunchHelp(false, ParamContext, ParamTopic, "search"); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpWithFavorites(ParamContext, ParamTopic) { this.fLaunchHelp(false, ParamContext, ParamTopic, "favorites"); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpNavigation() { this.fLaunchHelp(false, null, null, null); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpContents() { this.fLaunchHelp(false, null, null, "contents"); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpIndex() { this.fLaunchHelp(false, null, null, "index"); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpSearch() { this.fLaunchHelp(false, null, null, "search"); } function WWHAPI_DisplayHelpFavorites() { this.fLaunchHelp(false, null, null, "favorites"); }