Highlight search term in results on search page and within selected result for Reverb


We would like to have the search term highlighted on the search result page under each results as well as within the selected result when it is opened.

Detailed Description

When searching the generated output of Reverb using Microsoft IIS search, we would like to have the search term highlighted on the search result page as well as within the selected result when it is opened.

Use Cases

:) :)) :( ;) :\ |) X-( B)
MikeHedblom   I would like to see this for all Search types, especially client-side.
2013-08-19 18:07:52


Enhancements/Highlight search term in results of search page and within selected search result for Reverb. (last edited 2012-05-18 15:18:14 by mollymoser)