How To Contribute

Account Setup

  1. Create your account via the new account page.
    Please use your First and Last name combined without spaces as your user name, i.e. John and Doe becomes JohnDoe.
    Users are encouraged to provide a valid email address. We do take steps to limit Spammers from harvesting email addresses.

  2. Contact us at <wikigroup AT webworks DOT com> with your wiki login name, i.e. JohnDoe, and we will add you to the contributor list on the AuthorGroup page.

Learning the Wiki Way

  1. Please read Using The Wiki and Wiki Guidelines.

  2. Try out some edits in the WikiSandBox.

  3. Take a glance at Quadralay's outline for Wiki training. You can use it as a check list to ensure you haven't missed anything important.

Quick Start

Wiki/HowToContribute (last edited 2009-03-10 17:44:48 by BenAllums)