Express Project from DITA Map
This is a script used by vendors to integrate ePublisher AutoMap with CMS systems.
The script accepts three parameters: cscript epublish.vbs <topic-map-file-path> <stationery-path> <archive-directory-path> Archive name is derived from the map <map @title> attribute and the current date/time. Result is then placed in the <archive-directory-path>. Temporary directories are used for intermediate project files. Finally, the paths to the AutoMap executable and the JAR command are hard-coded into the script for now. You can modify them by changing the first few lines of the script: GlobalAutoMapExecutablePath = "C:\Pro...oMap\WebWorks.Automap.exe" GlobalJarPath = "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_14\bin\jar.exe" You may update these as necessary for your environment.