ePublisher Debugging Flags

To configure, look for "<app name>.config" next to the "<app name>.exe" in the Program Files directory (or in which directory ePublisher was installed).

! NOTE !: You will need to run your editor as an Administrator to edit this file in Windows Vista and later.

! NOTE !: You will need to close and reopen ePublisher to have any changes take effect.

<add key="DebugEngineStatus"
     value="true" />

Enables per XSL transform status and execution times.

<add key="DebugXSLTransforms"
     value="true" />

Enables debugging of XSL transforms when running under an attached debugger.

<add key="DebugExslDocument"
     value="true" />

Logs all files written by the XSL transforms in a format.

<add key="DebugWordAdapter"
     value="true" />

Enables debugging of the Word .dot file.

<add key="DebugFrameAdapter"
     value="true" />

Keeps intermediate files used by the Frame tool adapter.

--> file.fm
 --> file.fmwif
  --> file.tmif  (Debug only)
   --> file.mifxml  (Debug only)
    --> file.fml  (Debug only)
     --> file.wif
<add key="DebugXmlAdapter"
     value="true" />

Enables debugging for DITA and other XML Adapters.

When working with source documents, ePublisher tool adapters will always create the following files:

--> document.extension
 --> document.extensionwif
  --> document.wif

The file "document.extensionwif" is the same as the source document with variables, conditions, XREFs applied. So for a Word document:

--> Evalution.doc
 --> Evalution.docwif
  --> Evalution.wif

For a FrameMaker document:

--> overview.fm
 --> overview.fmwif
  --> overview.wif

Text documents are the same:

--> text.txt
 --> text.txtwif (In Word or Frame depending on the tool adapter)
  --> text.wif

DevCenter/Documentation/DebuggingFlags (last edited 2012-10-30 19:25:04 by JesseWiles)