Using alpha instead of numbering for footnotes


FrameMaker document has alpha number for table footnotes, but the output does not reflect this sequence

The Issue

The VarNoteNumber variable in the Content-Notes Template only accounts for numbered footnotes

What may need to happen

Somehow create a new template especially for the table in content.xsl copying lines 293-331,

on line 293 modify to

<xsl:template name="Content-Table-Notes">

on line 306

<xsl:variable name="VarNoteTableAlpha" 

on line 308, we would need a different line of code I think, so it would reflect a test to determine what letter it is and then to use letters to render the list

DevCenter/Projects/AlphaSequenceForTableFootnotes (last edited 2010-05-07 17:10:20 by LaurenLever)