Document Directory Path


This project includes a VBScript which can be used to determine the document directory path of the first document in an ePublisher project.

Original Request

I'm using Automap 2008.3. I want the Post Build script to copy a metadata
file from the source (framemaker source) directory to the deployment
directory. I don't see a variable for specifying the source directory. I
hate to hard code the path into each script.

Anyone know of a variable that will specify the source directory?


Attached as document_path.vbs.

Execute with:


This is not quite a complete solution as DOS makes it difficult (impossible?) to store the project result in a DOS environment variable. However, the code can be used as a stating point to perform whatever operation that is required.

DevCenter/Projects/Document Directory Path (last edited 2009-09-18 21:28:55 by JackieConnors)