Reverb - Open child page on folder click


In a Reverb, when clicking an 'empty' TOC entry is there a way to show the first-available content in the iframe? Consider this hierarchy:

 + Book
 +-+ Chapter 1
 +--+ Heading 1

If you click on Group or Book, the iframe content does not change. Only when you click on Chapter 1 does the content update.

I would like to see the content go to the Chapter 1 content when I click on Group or Book.

Basically, I want the same behavior as WebWorks Help.

Possible solution (2013-02-08)

Changes for ePublisher 2012.4.

  1. Add new function Connect.NavigationInvokeFirstChildLink() as below in connect.js.

    • Connect.NavigationInvokeFirstChildLink = function (param_entry_div) {
          var sibling_ul, first_li, first_div, first_a;
          // Trigger a click the first valid child link
          sibling_ul = Browser.NextSiblingElementWithTagName(param_entry_div, 'ul');
          if (sibling_ul !== null) {
              first_li = Browser.FirstChildElementWithTagName(sibling_ul, 'li');
              if (first_li !== null) {
                  first_div = Browser.FirstChildElementWithTagName(first_li, 'div');
                  if (first_div !== null) {
                      if (Browser.ContainsClass(first_div.className, 'ww_skin_toc_folder')) {
                          first_a = Browser.FirstChildElementWithTagName(first_div, 'a');
                          if (first_a !== null) {
                              if (first_a.href !== '') {
                                  // Invoke standard link handler
                              } else {
  2. Patch existing function Connect.NavigationLink() as below in connect.js.

    • Connect.NavigationLink = function (param_event) {
          'use strict';
          var event, parent_div, result;
          // Access event
          event = param_event || window.event;
          // Cancel event bubbling
          event.cancelBubble = true;
          if (event.stopPropagation) {
          } else {
              event.cancelBubble = true;
          // Expand if closed folder
          parent_div = Browser.FindParentWithTagName(this, 'div');
          if ((parent_div !== null) && (Browser.ContainsClass(parent_div.className, 'ww_skin_toc_folder'))) {
              // Need to find a link with an href?
              if (this.href === '') {
                  // Folder currently closed?
                  var sibling_ul;
                  sibling_ul = Browser.NextSiblingElementWithTagName(parent_div, 'ul');
                  if (sibling_ul !== null) {
                      if (Browser.ContainsClass(sibling_ul.className, 'ww_skin_toc_container_closed')) {
                          // Trigger a click the first valid child link
                          Connect_Window.setTimeout(function () { Connect.NavigationInvokeFirstChildLink(parent_div); } );
          // Process event
          result = Connect.HandleInterceptLink(this);
          if (result === false) {
              // Hide panel
              if ((Connect.layout_wide) && (Connect.Panel.display_as_sidebar)) {
                  // Keep the panel active!
                  Connect.toc_cleanup_folders = false;
          return result;

DevCenter/Projects/Reverb - Open child page on folder click (last edited 2013-02-08 18:55:22 by BenAllums)