Reverb for Web Applications


Reverb is a highly optimized implementation of web-based help and therefore does not require any javascript implementation files in order to embed it into your own custom web applications. However, your developers may find it useful to organize their Reverb Context sensitive help calls through a functional interface of their own design. Below you will find a fully functional implementation calling Reverb using a simple javascript function.

Feel free to copy this code and change it as you see fit to suit your developer requirements.

URL Syntax


Code (use in your web app)

function ReverbHelp(param_window_name, param_base_url, param_default_context) {
    this.DisplayContextTopic = function (param_context, param_topic) {
        var url;

        url = param_base_url + '#context/' + param_context + '/' + param_topic;
        windowObjectRef =, param_window_name, 'width=700,height=800,menubar=0,status=0,toolbar=0');

    this.DisplayTopic = function (param_topic) {
        this.DisplayContextTopic(param_default_context, param_topic);

Sample Call (use default context)

  <input type="button" value="Open Help" onclick="help.DisplayTopic(TOPIC_ALIAS);" />

Sample Call (use different context)

  <input type="button" value="Open Help" onclick="help.DisplayContextTopic(CONTEXT, TOPIC_ALIAS);" />

Sample HTML Implementation

<html xmlns="">
  <title>Reverb Javascript Call Example</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
function ReverbHelp(param_window_name, param_base_url, param_default_context) {
    this.DisplayContextTopic = function (param_context, param_topic) {
        var url;

        url = param_base_url + '#context/' + param_context + '/' + param_topic;
        windowObjectRef =, param_window_name, 'width=700,height=800,menubar=0,status=0,toolbar=0');

    this.DisplayTopic = function (param_topic) {
        this.DisplayContextTopic(param_default_context, param_topic);

    var  help;

    help = new ReverbHelp('connect_main', '', 'preparing');

   // -->
  <h1>Reverb Javascript Call Example</h1>
  <input type="button" value="Open Reverb Help" onclick="help.DisplayTopic('topic_links');" />

Upgrading From WebWorks Help Javascript API

If you have an existing web application that uses the javascript API for WebWorks Help and want to migrate to using Reverb instead of WebWorks Help, then the following illustrates the differences in a simple case of a file originally configured to use the WebWorks Help API that has been modified to use Reverb.

WebWorks Help API used for the file on the left.

Reverb used for the file on the right.


DevCenter/Projects/Reverb/For Web Applications (last edited 2016-06-07 21:00:42 by TonyMcDow)