Consult Stationery When Generating PDF

NOTE: This feature was implemented as part of the ePublisher 2009.3 with the addition of the PDF XSL-FO format.

EPUB245  Format: PDF from WIF


When constructing output for a WWH target, it is possible to generate pdf also. It would be nice if the PDF output would look just like the WWH pages.

Detailed Description

I have a paragraph style in my source document (Word DOC) which is described in the project stationery as using a graphical bullet to the left of the text and a horizontal line above and below the text. I use this kind of paragraph style to emphasize tips, notes or platform-specific information.

The paragraph comes out well in WWH target pages, but the PDF does not have the bullet or horizontal lines which should set off the note.

WebWorks support staff stated it is because PDF generation does not use the stationery.

Use Cases

see Case 00007448 (Subject: PDF does not generate graphical bullets) submitted by Solveig Viste on 10/27/2008 for sample project and resulting PDF output.

* Stationery project
* source Word Documents for project
show the stationery, the project and the source documents. This illustrates the difference between the WWH output and the PDF.

:) :)) :( ;) :\ |) X-( B)

Enhancements/@Implemented/ConsultStationeryWhenGeneratingPdf (last edited 2010-08-16 19:42:30 by BenAllums)