Automap override settings from the command line


Provide the ability to override and job setting from the command line.

Detailed Description

I use a lot of Conditional text (FrameMaker) and variables to allow single sourcing of documentation. However, to automate the build process, I have to have one .waj for each condition. And when I need to change the value of a variable, I have to edit each job file and verify I made the same change to each.

I would prefer to have one Automap job file that I can use for all output, and then make changes in one place only, preferably in the scripts that automate the build process.

Changing from the command line

This is one way I might make the changes from the command-line. This example builds output for two different condition settings:

set "versionNumber=1.2.0"
WebWorks.AutoMap.exe my_project.waj /deployTarget=ios_help /condition:iOS=Visible /condition:Android=Hidden /Variable:v.Version="%versionNumber%"

WebWorks.AutoMap.exe my_project.waj /deployTarget=android_help /condition:iOS=Hidden /condition:Android=Visible /Variable:v.Version="%versionNumber%"

Changing with a config file passed in

Another way might be to have a config file to pass in. But, this requires you to have one XML file for each output, and is back to the same problem of making multiple edits.

WebWorks.AutoMap.exe my_project.waj /config=android_override.xml

Where the XML file might look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Target name="help" deployTarget="android_help">
        <Condition name="Android only" value="True" Passthrough="False" UseDocumentValue="False" />
        <Condition name="iOS only" value="False" Passthrough="False" UseDocumentValue="False" />
        <Variable name="v.Version" value="1.2.0" UseDocumentValue="False" />
        <Variable name="platform" value="Android" UseDocumentValue="False" />

:) :)) :( ;) :\ |) X-( B)
BenAllums   Mike,

Wondering if you investigated the idea of dynamically generating your AutoMap job files (XML files).
2012-08-21 14:57:36
MikeHedblom   I had not thought of that.  And because ti does not go through the GUI, there is no issue about registering it with the Scheduler.  So it might work ...  thanks for the tip!
2012-08-21 17:07:04

Enhancements/Automap override settings from the command line (last edited 2012-08-15 23:39:03 by MikeHedblom)