Compatibility with newer versions of HTML Help Workshop


The writers on my team are getting new PCs with new installed operating system and software. Sometimes, their new systems have a newer version of the HTML Help Workshop application that is not compatible with ePublisher.

Detailed Description

Unfortunately, when these writers try to use ePublisher, they encounter errors similar to this:

[Warning] Unable to resolve environment setting 'HTMLHelpWorkshopPath'.

[Error] Unable to execute command with arguments ' "C:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents\ePublisher Express Projects\project name\Output\Microsoft HTML HelpCHM\project name\project name.hhp"'.

[Error] Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.

To solve this problem, I tell them to go to

to install an older version of HTML Help Workshop (version 1.3.2 from 2003), which then works for ePublisher. This information was given to me when I first reported this problem as a case.

We think this issue needs an enhancement. ePublisher should work with the latest version of HTML Help Workshop that comes with a new PC or a new operating system or new software. We should not need to install the old version 1.32 of HTML Help Workshop to run ePublisher.

Enhancements/Compatibility with newer versions of HTML Help Workshop (last edited 2010-07-15 18:37:50 by TracyPham)