Link Graphic Styles to Paragraph Styles


Add a property to paragraph styles that associates a graphic style definition (properties & options) with all in line images located in paragraphs that share that paragraph style. Model after the linking of a character style to the bullet property of a paragraph style.

Detailed Description

The process for grouping a graphic style marker with an in line image in Word is very tedious. It would be much more useful to be able to assign graphic style properties and options by reference to a paragraph style. All in line images located in paragraphs with a particular paragraph style would utilize the linked graphic marker formatting. For the document author, all they would need to do is assign a paragraph style, instead of having to convert the image to "Top and Bottom" text wrapping, insert a text box, format the text box, insert a marker, define the marker, select the text box & marker, group the text box & marker, and re-format the image with "In line with text" text wrapping. This would save a substantial amount of work with hundreds of images in a document.

The method of using markers to specify graphic style formatting would still be required for controlling the format of floating images, which don't reside within a paragraph.

Use Cases

A Word source document contains three categories of images; application screenshots, icons, and photographs. In ePublisher these need to be formatted with each having their own combination of image Format, Render DPI and Scale %. The document author would apply an appropriate paragraph style to each paragraph containing one or more in line images. The stationery designer would specify these settings as named graphic styles, and would then choose the appropriate graphic style from a drop down under a new paragraph style property called "Graphic Style". Each graphic style can thus be linked to one or more paragraph styles.

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Enhancements/Link Graphic Styles to Paragraph Styles (last edited 2011-07-11 20:00:34 by DwightNeedels)