wwhelp.exe points to latest"


I would like to see a wwhelp.exe file that always points to the latest version of wwhelp5.exe, similar to the WebWorks.AutoMap.exe file.

Detailed Description

I have automated build scripts that run Automap jobs. Sometimes after merging generated projects I have to run wwhelp5.exe to build a merged doc set. However, each time I install an updated version of ePublisher, I have to edit my scripts to point to the latest version. I would like to point to just one file and have it redirect/run the latest.

This example shows the problem for wwhelp.exe and why it is not a problem for Automap:

rem *** Change the following path each time ePublisher gets updated.
set "wwhelp=\Program Files\WebWorks\ePublisher\2012.1\Helpers\WebWorks\wwhelp5.exe"
set "automap=\Program Files\WebWorks\ePublisher AutoMap\WebWorks.AutoMap.exe"

"%automap%" "\AutoMap\Jobs\mmf_server_help\first_project.waj"
"%automap%" "\AutoMap\Jobs\mmf_server_help\secondt_project.waj"

rem Copy the files and get ready to merge them

rem Build the merged doc set
"%wwhelp%" -wwhelp %deployPath%\wwhelp

:) :)) :( ;) :\ |) X-( B)
BenAllums   Mike,

AutoMap achieves this little trick with a Mimic executable.  Have a look at the one found at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\WebWorks\ePublisher

It consists of two files:


You can copy and rename these files as:


In the .config file, you will see an entry such as:

    <add key="MimicExecutable"
         value="2012.2\ePublisher AutoMap\WebWorks.AutoMap.exe" />

You can change this to point to your "wwhelp5.exe" executable:

    <add key="MimicExecutable"
         value="2012.2\Helpers\WebWorks\wwhelp5.exe" />

You can now invoke your program from a consistent location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\WebWorks\ePublisher\wwhelp5.exe

2012-08-21 15:03:34
MikeHedblom   Thanks, I'll do that.  I will still need to (remember to) manually update this file each time I upgrade ePublisher.  But at least I don't have to modify my scripts.
2012-08-21 17:09:14

Enhancements/wwhelp.exe points to latest (last edited 2012-08-15 23:48:27 by MikeHedblom)