Getting <shortdesc> text into the mouse over text box for inline xrefs


I had already modified my Related Links (Child Topic Description and Parent Topic Description) to show the <shortdesc> once a user hovers their mouse over the link. I wanted to do the same for my inline xrefs.

1. In the Designer .wep file, I created a new Marker Style called 'Xref Text Description' and made its Options > Marker type = Link title.

2. In default.wwconfig I added this at line 1716 (Reverb 2012.2):

  <!-- Creating a new marker type so that xrefs so shortdescs in the hover box -->
  <!--                                                                         -->
  <Style match="//*[contains(@class, ' topic/desc ') and parent::*[contains(@class, ' topic/xref ')]]">
   <xsl:variable name="VarName">
     <xsl:when test="string-length(@outputclass) &gt; 0">
      <xsl:value-of select="@outputclass" />

      <xsl:text>Xref Text Description</xsl:text>
  <wwditaconfig:Head name="{$VarName}" />
   <!-- End of Customization -->

3. I added this to line 1837.

  <!-- Inline xref hover customization  -->
  <Type match="//*[contains(@class, ' topic/desc ') and parent::*[contains(@class, ' topic/xref ')]]" value="Marker" />
  <!-- End customization -->

HelpCenter/Tips/DITA: Getting <shortdesc> text as the link title for your inline xrefs (last edited 2012-11-19 22:29:29 by LiefErickson)