Script to load AutoMap with documents from specified CVS module

Specify the CVS module to retrieve documents from with <MODULE-NAME>.

The CVS module contents will be copied to the AutoMap job file directory. Then the "dir" command is used to build a list of filenames with the proper filename extension (*.fm), each of which will be included in the AutoMap publication.

cvs co -A -d :<METHOD>:anonymous@<HOSTNAME>:<MODULE-NAME> docs
dir docs\*.fm /B /S > "${FileListPath}"

Script steps explained:

  1. CVS "co" command is used to retrieve the latest contents of the module specified in <MODULE-NAME>.

  2. The "dir" command is used to create a list of all the files in the job directory that have the ".fm" extension.

HelpCenter/Tips/VersionControl/AutoMapDocumentCheckoutScripts/CVS (last edited 2013-01-29 18:21:45 by TonyMcDow)