How do I include company information on my output?

The procedure for including company information (name, phone number, web page, etc.) on your output pages is as follows:

  1. 1. In ePublisher Pro, open the Target Settings dialog (Target > Target Settings...).

  2. Enter the appropriate information in the company information fields.
    1. Copy logo images to the "Files" folder in the project directory to make them accessible for the Company Logo setting.
    2. Be sure to add the "http://" prefix to your company web page so that the browser links to the correct location.

    3. You may enter any text in any of the available fields; for example, you can add copyright information in the Phone Number field if necessary.
  3. Click OK to close the Format Settings dialog.
  4. Open the Style Designer (View > Style Designer).

  5. Choose the "Page Styles" category.
  6. For the Default page style (or another style, if applicable), select the Options tab, and enable one or both of the "Company info displayed" settings.
  7. Regenerate your output to apply the changes.

Note that you should enable the Company Information on the Default page style, rather than the [Prototype] style, in order to display it on all of your output pages. The Default style is the one assigned to any unnamed pages, and settings on the Options tab must be defined explicitly for each style (i.e., they are not inherited from a parent).

Permalinks/Solutions/Output/CompanyInformation (last edited 2009-04-08 22:40:00 by LaurenLever)