Putting Output on a Sharepoint server


Users wants to deploy to Sharepoint. The issue is that our deployment only supports UNC network shares and mapped drives on the network.


Please be advised that this is something one user has reported, but may not work in all cases. Here are the steps he used:

  1. In Task Manager, go to view-> select columns and select PID.

  2. At cmd prompt type tasklist /svc/ fi "imagename eq svchost.exe" and click Enter.
  3. Check the PID for the SVCHOST running against WebClient.

  4. In the task manager find the SVChost for the PID and kill it.
  5. Go to Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services

  6. Double click on the WebClient entry and click Start.

After you have completed these steps, Sharepoint should be available from the server list in the deployment configuration, for more information on deployment, please refer to this page

Permalinks/Solutions/Output/DeployingToSharepoint (last edited 2012-10-22 16:00:07 by LaurenLever)