Day 2 Keynote: Publishing Content From the WebWorks Wiki

At RoundUp 2007, we demonstrated an XML Adapter that enabled the ePublisher Platform to publish material from this wiki. The project we used for this demonstration is attached to this page. Following is information related to running the project.



In order to run this project, you need ePublisher 9.3 (Express or Pro) and an Xml Adapter (also known as the DITA-XML license key). If you need either of these items, please visit this page.


To make this project work you'll need to configure ePublisher to recognize the *.uri extension by adding it in the File Mappings tab of the Preferences dialog.

.uri Source Files

Currently, the ePubliser Platform does not support entering a URI as a document source. To enable this behavior, this approach uses an XML source file which references a URI. You can modify this project to build outputs from the WebWorks Wiki, by adding, or modifying the existing .uri files.

How to determine which formatting a wiki page uses

Currently, the adapter scripts which process the .uri files are only configured to process pages from the WebWorks Wiki. Pages on the WebWorks Wiki either use wiki formatting, or an alternate text processing format called "reStructured Text". To determine which type of format a given page uses:

If the resulting page begins with the line: #format rst, then the page uses reStructured Text. If it doesn't, then it is a wiki text page.

Adding a .uri file to the project

To add .uri files to the project, duplicate one of the existing files and change the id and content-type attributes as follows:

If the page uses reStructured Text formatting:

If the page uses Wiki formatting, you'll also need to use the DocBook version of the page. To access this URI:

Problems and Improvements

Please send an email to if you have any problems, or if you note any inaccuracies in these docs. Also, currently the adapter is configured to process one resource element per .uri document, although it could be modified to process multiple resource elements within a given .uri file. We may update the adapter to work this way if there is a demand to, so if you want this functionality, please submit a request to

RoundUp/Uri_Adapter (last edited 2008-05-07 17:23:20 by AdamGoldberg)