Analyzing Site Search Using Google Analytics

You have probably heard that Google Analytics can provide important information about the success your end-users are having with your website.

However, did you also know that you can use Google Analytics to track what your users are searching for on your site?

Common Analysis Tasks

What search terms are my end-users using?

Are my end-users having difficulties with a particular page?




Site Search

In Google Analytics this refers to search operations conducted on a specific website or web property. In many cases this is a search system implemented on the website that is using Google Analytics. However, it can also refer to the use of a Google Customer Search engine configured for that website.

Search Terms

Keywords or phrases entered by end-users conducting searches on a website.

Start Page

The actual full pathname of the web page where an end-user search was initiated.

Destination Page

The actual full pathname of the web page where an end-user landed after they follow a search result link.

Website Profile

In Google Analytics this refers to a profile for a specific website or part of a website that contains standard and custom reports that have been configured for analysis.


TonyMcDow/@Tips/Google_Analytics/AnalyzingSiteSearch (last edited 2011-04-28 02:23:22 by TonyMcDow)