= Cross References to Content in Same Topic Not Working =


User is having issues with cross references in the same dita source file, for example:

Go to step <xref format="dita"
href="ta_InsertLink-Xref.dita#_032D667D/01F4697E" scope="local"
type="step"></xref> in this procedure. 

Also there will be messages such as this:

[xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\PROGRA~2\WebWorks\EPUBLI~1\2011.1\Helpers\dita-ot\xsl\preprocess\topicpull.xsl
[xslt] Processing C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE7C0.tmp\ta_InsertLink-Conref.dita to C:\Users\allums\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE7C0.tmp\ta_InsertLink-Conref.dita.pull
[xslt] Processing C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE7C0.tmp\ta_InsertLink-Xref.dita to C:\Users\allums\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE7C0.tmp\ta_InsertLink-Xref.dita.pull
[xslt] (File = C:\Users\user\Desktop\CPN_UMOLHMasterDITAProj3b_CMS-HasGoodStylingNew\SourceSmallSample\ta_InsertLink-Xref.dita, Element = xref:2)
[xslt] [DOTX032E][ERROR]: Unable to retrieve link text from target: 'ta_InsertLink-Xref.dita#_032D667D/01F4697E'. Make sure the link type matches the target, the ids for topic and element are correct, and that the target has a title. If the target is not accessible at build time, or does not have a title, give the link text as content of the xref element.
[xslt] (File = C:\Users\user\Desktop\CPN_UMOLHMasterDITAProj3b_CMS-HasGoodStylingNew\SourceSmallSample\ta_InsertLink-Xref.dita, Element = xref:3)
[xslt] [DOTX032E][ERROR]: Unable to retrieve link text from target: '#_032D667D/01F55BAE'. Make sure the link type matches the target, the ids for topic and element are correct, and that the target has a title. If the target is not accessible at build time, or does not have a title, give the link text as content of the xref element.


This can occur because of the usage of the wrong OTK. Use the following steps to resolve this issue

  1. Go to Project -> Project Settings

  2. Click on the Input Configuration tab to XML input
  3. Next to the "DITA Open Toolkit version" select the 1.4 version

LaurenLever/@Solutions/Input/DITA/Cross reference issues (last edited 2011-12-12 20:53:00 by LaurenLever)