Mystery numbers appearing in output

If you generate output with the JavaHelp format and there is a list of numbers in parentheses at the top of the Index, there may be a problem with the way you have defined the Index entries in your source documents.

This appears to happen when an Index marker contains a single entry followed by a semicolon and then a blank space. It is this space after the semicolon which causes the problem with the JavaHelp compiler/viewer.

To resolve the issue, search your documents for markers of type Index. When you find one containing a single entry followed by a semicolon and a space (like "Opening a Document; "), delete the space, and update the marker.

When you are finished, save the document(s) and regenerate your output to correct the problem.


LaurenLever/@Solutions/Output/JavaHelp/Mystery numbers appearing in output (last edited 2009-06-02 21:02:20 by LaurenLever)