Change the initial tab view in WebWorks Help 5.0 output

By default, a WebWorks Help 5.0 helpset opens and displays the Table of Contents tab. It is possible to configure your project to display one of the other tabs when the helpset is launched, and there are a few options:

Format Override

C:\Program Files\WebWorks\ePublisher Pro\Formats\WebWorks Help 5.0\Files\wwhelp\wwhimpl\common\scripts\help.js

this.mInitialTabName = null;

this.mInitialTabName = "search";

URL Parameters

You can also specify the initial tab that is shown by changing the way you call your helpset. If your website or application launches the WWH helpset via a browser URL, you can add an argument to that call to designate a particular tab. For example: ../helpset/myhelp/index.html?tab=index

WebWorks Help SDK

If you are using the WebWorks Help SDK (or API) to connect an application with your output, you can use special functions within the SDK to specify the initial tab. The details are documented within the SDK package. For more information on the WebWorks Help SDK, please see our Wiki area here:


LaurenLever/@Solutions/Output/WebWorks Help 5.0/Change initial tab view (last edited 2009-06-02 19:43:10 by LaurenLever)