How do I change the popup file extension (or other popup page properties)?

To modify the appearance of your popups, create a new page style in the Style Designer, and name it "Popup." You can then define new properties (background color, border, etc.) or options (breadcrumbs, company info, etc.) for your popup pages. The only option that is not affected the way it should be is the file extension. When the file path is defined for the popups, the default file extension (*.html) is used, rather than the one specified for the Popup page style. This issue has been escalated to our development team for improvement in a future release. For now, the following workaround is available, should you need to change the file extension of your popup pages:

  1. Perform an override on a file called names.xsl, located by default in the ePublisher Pro installation directory: Formats\Shared\common\splits\
  2. Once you have copied the file into the appropriate folder within your Master Project directory, open it in a text editor (e.g., NotePad).

  3. Near the middle of the file, locate the line that defines the variable "VarPopupFileName".

  4. Change this code:

 <xsl:variable name="VarPopupFileName">
  <xsl:value-of select="$VarDocumentBaseName" />
  <xsl:value-of select="$VarPopup/@id" />
  <xsl:value-of select="$ParameterDefaultPageExtension" />

to this:

<xsl:variable name="VarPopupFileName">
  <xsl:value-of select="$VarDocumentBaseName" />
  <xsl:value-of select="$VarPopup/@id" />
  <xsl:variable name="VarPopupPageRule" select="wwprojext:GetRule('Page', $VarPopup/@stylename)" />
  <xsl:variable name="VarPopupPageExt" select="$VarPopupPageRule/wwproject:Options/wwproject:Option[@Name = 'file-extension']/@Value" />
    <xsl:when test="string-length($VarPopupPageExt) &gt; 0">
      <xsl:value-of select="$VarPopupPageExt" />
      <xsl:value-of select="$ParameterDefaultPageExtension" />


LaurenLever/@Solutions/Overrides/Popup file extension (last edited 2009-06-02 20:18:22 by LaurenLever)