Automap job fails with Error result or does not run as scheduled

When a scheduled AutoMap job fails, any errors are recorded in the project log. Right-click on the failed job and choose "View Log." You might see something like this:

[Error] Deployment failed. Cannot find the deploy setting "Helproot" in preferences.

Please verify that the setting exists in the application preferences.

No deploy target specified for target. Skipping deployment."

If you are using AutoMap to schedule the generation of an Express production project (the recommended AutoMap workflow), then you likely have defined the deployment folder in the Express application preferences and chosen the deployment folder in the Express project's Format Settings. The error above occurs when AutoMap finds a reference to a named deployment folder in the project, but that folder is not defined in the AutoMap deployment list. So, open AutoMap and choose Edit > Preferences. On the Output Destinations tab, add a new folder with the name referenced in the project's deployment setting. Then, run the job or wait for the next scheduled event. The output should be generated and deployed (copied) to the chosen location.

In ePublisher versions prior to 2008.1, if a job is scheduled to run, and it doesn't run at all (with no error messages), the likely cause is a failed logon attempt. In ePublisher 2008.1 and later, this error should be displayed in the main job list:

When scheduling a job, you are prompted to enter your Windows logon information. If you are away from your desktop, AutoMap can still log in to access files and generate output. If you don't provide the correct logon information, or if the information has changed (e.g., you change your Windows logon password), then the logon will fail and the job won't run. To correct this problem, right-click on the job and choose "Schedule Job." If the schedule settings are correct, then click OK, and you will be prompted to re-enter your logon details for the Windows scheduled task. The next time the job runs, it will use the new user name and password, and it should generate output successfully.


LaurenLever/@Solutions/ePublisher/Automap/Job Fails with Error (last edited 2009-06-02 20:45:24 by LaurenLever)