Quicker Path to Express


User wants to be able to use Stationery created in Pro without having to manually create Express projects every time


  1. Open your Pro project.
  2. Select File > Save As Stationery...

  3. Make sure all targets are selected and pick a descriptive name for your Stationery.
  4. Close your Pro project.
  5. Copy your Pro project folder, say from "My Pro Project" to "Copy of My Pro Project".
  6. Rename the newly copied project folder from "Copy of My Pro Project" to "My Express Project".
  7. Rename the project file from "My Pro Project.wep" to "My Express Project.wrp".
  8. Open the Express project. ePublisher will ask you to locate the Stationery you created in step #3. Navigate to it, select it.
  9. Once Express has synchronized the Stationery, you now have an Express project which is equivalent to your Pro project.

You will have to use Express to use Stationery, but this saves the time of having to locate the Stationery and reconfigure the Document Manager, Target Settings, Conditions, et cetera.

LaurenLever/@Solutions/ePublisher/Quicker Path to Express (last edited 2010-04-14 21:51:46 by LaurenLever)