ePublisher 9.3 and DITA

Tips and tricks for working with DITA on ePublisher 9.3 can be found here.

Required Software

ePublisher 9.3 (build 20121) is the first public release to fully support DITA source documents. You must have ePublisher Express and Pro, version 9.3 or later, along with the appropriate XML adapter license for each component.

Additionally, the DITA Open Toolkit, installed with ePublisher 9.3, requires the Java SDK. This development kit is not installed with ePublisher, but you may already have it on your system. You'll know you don't have it if you have trouble processing DITA content and you see an error in your log that says "Unable to resolve environment setting 'JDKHome'." You can download and install the latest version of the Java SDK from Sun here: http://java.sun.com/javaee/downloads/index.jsp

Close ePublisher, install the SDK, and reopen your projects to regenerate output.

HelpCenter/Tips/DITA/Release Specific/ePublisher 9.3 (last edited 2008-09-02 13:58:35 by BenAllums)